Saturday, October 14, 2023

People are running around saying what's going on ? Check this out and Learn -- Q'(ue) The Psyop: Subject: Operational Directive Q

 This is a RE-POST FROM "X"

I think some of us actually have a Logical Brain and this caught my attention- READ AND LEARN

Our 1st Amendment gives us all the rights to an Opinion, so here's one !

Q'(ue) The Psyop: Subject: Operational Directive Q Authorization Level: Unknown From: Command Central (X) To: Intelligence Unit (You) Re: Phase Transition & Protocol Implementation Fellow Operatives, Trust Grassley  Trust Wray  Trust Ballard  Trust Flynn  Do you want to know what this actually means? • They have been caught. • They have been arrested. • They have been interrogated. • They have been shown evidence of their crimes. They have been more than likely offered a deal. What would that be? To play their role in "The Sting Operation" and be allowed to have their "Public Reputation" preserved without their legacy being tarnished. -Their arrest. -Their conviction. -Their imprisonment. -Their execution. Will all be out of the public eye. Why do you think when Q' ask you to trust, these people their names are highlighted in "Red"? Doesn't this mean there is some importance other than what is being asked of you to do? Do you know the equivalent of their names being singled out in the drops is in plain public view?
 When D. Trump either points to them or publicly acknowledges them. This is how you know the Sting-Op is currently now focused on those people. Because we are reaching the conclusion of "The Plan" and are headed into the next phase. Which is what? Officially switching over into the new monetary system. Remember what I told you all before. Washington DC as you know it today is designed to keep the fiat USD afloat. Why do you think Hamas/Mossad/CIA wants the oil fields and control the entire Middle East? ■ What keeps the Federal Reserve open? (Fiat USD) ■ What keeps you enslaved? (Fiat USD) ■ What keeps politicians rich? (Fiat USD) ■ What keeps Wars going? (Fiat USD) ■ What keeps human trafficking going? (Fiat USD) ■ What keeps propaganda alive? (Fiat USD) ■ What keeps MSM social issues (ist & ism) going? (Fiat USD) How? Because Israel/Zionist/Khazars control every aspect of our society. Which is why agains Patrick Buchanan said Washington DC is Israeli Occupied Territory-(IOT). You all have to understand the US Military did not want you to read those Q-Drops to search for heros. Those were not designed to tell you who the bad/good guys were. It was to nudge you in the right direction as to why you needed to keep an eye on them. Because Q' was not talking to you when he asked you to trust them. He was talking to people (Authority Figures [ie] Military) who already had incriminating evidence on them and would wonder why they were able to still be in the public eye while all the documentation in the world exist to put them away for good. Because they were just as impatient as you were. They were watching everything play out wondering what the next move was sense theses criminals were involved in the most heinous acts involving children. Especially Mike Pence. Why was he allowed to be VP? Why was Kevin McCarthy allowed to be SOTH? Why was Tim Ballard allowed to make SOF? You all actually think only the average Joes & Janes were/are reading those Q-Drops. No! People much smarter than us were as well. Which was why they were really the ones being asked to trust the process by underlining those red names. Every post was not for us. What are they using to accomplish this goal? • Mask • Doppelganger • CGI • Double • Synthetic Robotoid • Organic Robotoid • Clone Why do you think they keep going back & forth on the SOTH? Jim Jordan pulls out, Steve Scalise comes in. Not enough votes. J. Jordan takes another stab at it with a nomination. What will happen next? Why are the playing musical chairs? Because there is no more fiat USD available to prop up Washington or Ukraine. Keep in mind Jan Halper stated that Washington (1871 Corp Act) is bankrupt. There currently is no money. Which is why they are having a hard time trying to figure out how they will money launder money to Israel to help Khazarians take over land in Palestine that doesn't belong to them. Why do you think Bibi Netanyahu stated how good 9/11 was for Israel? Because the current form of Washington exists to prop up the Middle East. This is why Iraq is so important. When they reinstate their currency they are going to literally save the planet. Because it will spell the official end to Khazarian money schemes operated through the Federal Reserve. Which is why "The Gold Standard" will set us free. When will be on this new monetary system? The goal is before the year is over. More details on this another time. Enjoy your day.


MSN /Outlook a Microsoft Product sent me this - They now have a new Agreement to use Microsoft Products


Write to 
This has talked about for a Long Time and still nothing is ever done about these companies that believe they are the LAW and above what the Constitution Says and make their own rules when WE THE PEOPLE show a dependence on their Platforms.
It seems that Microsoft like Facebook is canceling the 1st Amendment by Changing Term of agreements inline with their agenda of "ONE WORLD ORDER"  ( Which is another way of saying be AFRAID WE HAVE YOUR ASS)
Here's the New Terms I received and now without coming right out and saying it " If they don't like what you say your toast"
And remember I just got this today but it went in effect September 30th  So you can't even say no !
Use the Link and Comment directly to us.

I will be starting a Weekly Show in November on Zoom ( Not a Microsoft Product) for people to come on and Speak their minds in a NON- Controlled Environment on "THE BOB CHARLES SHOW" Via - Pyramid One World Radio 

People are running around saying what's going on ? Check this out and Learn -- Q'(ue) The Psyop: Subject: Operational Directive Q

 This is a RE-POST FROM "X" I think some of us actually have a Logical Brain and this caught my attention- READ AND LEARN Our 1st ...